Mire jó a kvantumfizika? | What is Quantum Physics for?

Kozvetlen tapasztalatainkon alapulo vilagkepunk szamara szokatlan a modern fizika fogalomrendszere. Sokan keszseggel tudomasul veszik, hogy a „mikrovilag” esemenyei mas torvenyek szerint zajlanak, de ugy gondoljak, hogy a kvantummechanikara csak nehany specialis teruleten, peldaul az atomfizikaban van szukseg, es mindezt a mindennapi problemaktol tavoli, elvont kerdesek koze soroljak. Valojaban azonban a kvantumelmelet Nobel-dijas elvei napjaink kedvenc hasznalati targyaiban is megjelennek: a kvantumfizika eredmenyeit – sokszor anelkul, hogy tudnank – folyamatosan hasznaljuk. | Gyorgy Mihaly, professor of physics and member of HAS, shows how the results of quantum physics research are integrated into everyday life, including household appliances. After elaborating on such basic and revolutionary discoveries as the wave—particle duality of light, Mihaly offered examples of new technology based on these principles. The Scanning Tunnelling Microscope makes it possible to view and manipulate metals atom by atom. The most accurate medical diagnostic equipment, such as PET and MRI, also employ the results of quantum physics. Super-speed railways utilize superconductivity; credit cards, video cameras and cell phones are unimaginable without the results of quantum physics.
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