Spectroscopy of CrF: Extension of Rotational Analysis of the A6Σ+-X6Σ+ Band System

Abstract An extension of the rotational analysis of the A 6 Σ + - X 6 Σ + band system of CrF has been carried out, using new high-resolution data in the 8500 cm −1 region. The recorded region also includes the B 6 Π- X 6 Σ + system at 8000 cm −1 . The A 6 Σ + - X 6 Σ + data now include the (0, 2) and(1, 3) bands, as well as fragments of the (2, 4) band. The extended analysis has resulted in a substantially improved set of molecular parameters for the X 6 Σ + state. A previous interpretation of the A 6 Σ + (ν = 0) level local perturbation pattern has also been discussed and partly revised. Preliminary parameters have been determined for the B 6 Π state through comparisons of synthetically generated B 6 Π- X 6 Σ + spectra with observed (0, 0) and ( 1, 0) bands of this transition. These parameters indicate that at least a part of the observed local perturbations in the A 6 Σ + (ν = 0) level can probably be attributed to interaction with the ν = 3 level of the B 6 Π state.
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