Speeds, Slowness, Temporary Consistencies, and Interior Designing

The orientation of this essay is toward interior design and the practice of interior designing in the production of interior and interiority. Its invitation is to begin with flow, more specifically, begin in flow: in a state of constant movement and change as distinct from thinking of flow as a movement between points or things, between insides and outsides. Time as movement and change is foregrounded in the consideration of designing "interior", re-posed as a process that involves slowing movement through composing an arrangement that produces a temporary consistency that enables inhabitation, both physically and mentally, as interior and interiority. This essay considers the implications of this repositioning of interior as a temporary consistency to the discipline of interior design and specifically in relation to the topic of "flow." Interior design is re-posed as a practice situated in movement, one that works in the midst of flow where design becomes a practice of arrangement and stabilization.
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