The Relationship between Sexual Function

Abstract Introduction: Sexual function is an integral part of human life. Chronic diseases, especially diabetes, have a significant impact on sexual performance. Since studies on women’s sexual function and its relationship to quality of life are scant, this study was conducted to determine sexual function in women with diabetes and its relationship to quality of life in attendees to the diabetes center of kerman Method and materials: This case-control study was carried out in diabetes centers of Kerman. Iran. The sample of the study consisted of 164 married women with diabetes and 170 non diabetic women in control group. Data were collected by a questionnaire which consisted of demographic information, the Sf36 quality of life questionnaire and sexual function scale. All statistical analyses were done by using SPSS, Categorical data were compared using χ 2 test, t test and Pearson coef fi cient were used for scores of quality of life and sexual function scale. Findings: Quality of life scores and sexual function in diabetic control group were lower than the control group (p <0.05). There was no significant relationship between sexual function and quality of life in the two groups. Age, duration of diabetes, BMI and education level were associated with sexual function. Conclusion: the impact of diabetes on sexual function of women’s sexual function on quality of life of diabetic patients will require further investigation. Keywords: Diabetes, Sexual Function, Quality of Life, Women REFERENCES Abu Ali R M, Al Hajeri R M, Khader Y S et al (2008) Sexual dysfunction in Jordanian diabetic women. Diabetes Care.31 (8) 1580-1. Aslan E and Fynes M (2008) Female sexual dysfunction. International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. 19(2)293-305. Bahrami N, Soleimani M, Shraifnia H et al (2012)[ Female sexual satisfaction with different contraceptive methods]. Iran Journal of Nursing 25 (76) 55-63. 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