Current Management of Tuberculosis in 1996

In view of the misdiagnosed or treated improperly for TB cases, we began to experience a remarkable and unexpected increase in the number and seriousness of active cases of TB in both adult and children population and it became worse in some certain areas of Thailand where HIV/AIDS is epidemic. The author of this article incorporates ideas and recommendations informally released out by the TB Workshop which was conducted in March 1996 on behalf of the Joint Tuberculosis Comittee of Thai Thoracic Society. The issue is aimed to assist improving the provincial tuberculosis programme in formulating effective management on tuberculosis. These broad guidelines encompass at least (i) the global target of TB programme,(ii) the relevant diagnostic criteria in both groups, (iii) outlines of the wide variety of regimens in specific medical conditions notified within TB cases,(iv) the proposed agenda for multiple drug - resistance TB cases and (v) the synopsis approach to TB prevention and prophylaxis chemotherapy in children
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