La e scue la comunitaria ante la cue stión de l alcohol The community school and the alcohol question

RESUMEN: Objetivo: la Carta Europea sobre el Alcohol abre nuevos horizontes a la tarea educati- va escolar orientada a preparar los futuros ciuda- danos. Todas las personas tienen derecho a que su familia, comunidad y vida laboral esten protegidas de accidentes, violencia u otras consecuencias ne- gativas asociadas al consumo de alcohol. Pues el al- cohol tiene relacion con problematicas sociales como la inseguridad vial, la delincuencia, la violen- cia, los embarazos de adolescentes, el fracaso esco- lar, etc. ABSTRACT: Objective: the European Charter on Alcohol opens up new horizons for the school edu- cational task oriented at preparing future citizens. Everyone has the right for his family, community and working life to be protected from accidents, violence or other negative consequences associated with alcohol intake. Since alcohol is related to so- cial problems as well as lack of road safety, delin- quency, violence, adolescent pregnancies, scholastic failure, etc. Material and method: the role of the school in education on alcohol is analyzed. Results: considering this situation, the school, as an educational institution, has a responsibility that cannot be evaded. If its function is to prepare the student for life, education on alcohol has become an obligation since this substance may not only li- mit but also prevent the integral development of the individuals. Conclusions: in this sense, the school has both preventive as well as therapeutic educational re- sources in regards to alcohol.
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