Навички викладача-фасілітатора для формування професійних компетентностей лікарів-стоматологів в умовах комп’ютерно-орієнтованої освіти

The authors summarize the practical work of researchers from English-speaking countries on the effective application of the teacher's skills as a facilitator for the professional competencies’ development of future dentists in computer-based education.  It is demonstrated how information and communication technologies, technologies of «dyad interaction» and situational training of future dentists are applied based on facilitation. It is carried out the analysis of facilitator skills’ application in practice of professional competencies’ development of future dentists using the specified technologies.  It is determined the essence of information and communication technologies application, technologies of situational training and «dyad interaction» for professional competencies’ development of future dentists which consists in another purpose of training (awareness of the multiplicity of decisions in practical work of the dentist); democratic nature of the acquiring knowledge process, equality with other participants in the educational process (including the teacher); development of new professional competencies, knowledge, and skills of future dentist in the process of co-working with the teacher; clarity of algorithms for the use of information and communication technologies, situational learning technologies and «dyad interaction», which are the basis for professional competencies’ development, the value system of future dentists are developed, their life attitudes, their professional worldview, etc. are also developed. It is determined the character of functional forms and qualities of dyad interaction which due to relative compactness and simplicity were used by teachers for professional competencies’ development in future dentists. This has improved the quality of the teacher's dyad interaction with future dentists.  It is proved that the use of the facilitation approach in information and communication technologies, situational learning technologies, and «dyad interaction» in the educational process of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry is a promising and relevant direction for the professional competencies development in future dentists.
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