Masih adanya subyek pajak kendaraan bermotor (PKB), namun tidak
melaksanakan kewajibannya membayar pajak dan adanya kendaraan bernomor
polisi Non BE yang beroperasi di Provinsi Lampung, mendorong pemerintah
Provinsi Lampung mengeluarkan kebijakan berupa pemberian keringanan
pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor (PKB) dan Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan
Bermotor (BBNKB), yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan kebijakan pemutihan.
Kebijakan tersebut dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 1 Oktober 2011 hingga 31 Maret
2012. Kebijakan Pemutihan PKB dan BBNKB ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan
Peraturan Gubernur Lampung Nomor 27 Tahun 2011 tentang Pemberian
Keringanan, Pengurangan dan atau Pembebasan PKB dan BBNKB bagi pemilik
kendaraan bermotor berplat nomor polisi BE dan Non BE yang menunggak
pembayaran PKB dan BBNKB serta Keputusan Kepala Dinas Pendapatan Daerah
Provinsi Lampung Nomor: 973/0215/III. 18/01/2011 tentang Petunjuk Teknis
Peraturan Gubernur Lampung Nomor 27 Tahun 2011. Berdasarkan hal ini,
peneliti tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian mengenai kebijakan pemutihan ini,
dengan permasalahan sebagai berikut: a) Bagaimanakah pelaksanaan kebijakan
pemerintah Provinsi Lampung dalam peningkatan PAD melalui pemutihan PKB
dan BBNKB? b) Bagaimanakah kontribusi kebijakan pemutihan PKB dan
BBNKB terhadap peningkatan PAD Provinsi Lampung? c) Apakah faktor
pengambat kebijakan pemutihan PKB dan BBNKB terhadap peningkatan PAD
Provinsi Lampung?
Pendekatan masalah dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan normatif
dan pendekatan empiris. Pendekatan normatif dimaksudkan sebagai usaha
mengadakan pembahasan dengan bertitik tolak kepada peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku. Pendekatan empiris dilakukan dengan mengadakan
pengamatan terhadap kenyataan yang ada di lapangan dalam rangka pelaksanaan
peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku, khususnya mengenai pelaksanaan Kebijakan
Pemutihan PKB dan Bea BBNKB di Provinsi Lampung
Numerous subjects of vehicle tax who do not conduct their obligation to pay tax
and numerous vehicle with non BE number plat running in Lampung province
encourage Lampung province government to publish a policy to give ease in
paying vehicle tax (PKB) and vehicle name possession transfer tax (BBNKB)
which is known as scapegoat policy. This policy was conducted from October 1
2011 to March 31
2012. This policy was conducted based on Lampung Governor
Regulation Number 27 in 2011 about the scapegoat of PKB and BBNKB , and the
Decision of Head of Regional Income Official in Lampung province Number
973/0215/III.18/01/2011 about the technical guidance of Lampung Governor
Regulation Number 27 in 2011. Based on this background, the researcher is
interested to conduct a research about the scapegoat policy. The problems of this
research are: a) how does the conduct of Lampung province policy in improving
regional original income trough scapegoat of PKB and BBNKB? b) how does the
contribution of the scapegoat of PKB and BBNKB to the improvement of regional
original income in Lampung province? c) what are inhibiting factors in
conducting policy of scapegoat of PKB and BBNKB to the improvement of
regional original income in Lampung province?
This research uses normative and empirical approaches. The normative approach
is aimed as efforts to discuss based on applied regulations. Empirical approach is
conducted by observing facts in the field upon the application of scapegoat of
PKB and BBNKB in Lampung province.
The results show that the Lampung province government gives ease, reduction
and scapegoat of PKB to vehicle with manufacture year up to 2009. For those
vehicles with tax arrears are charged the main PKB of current year only without
fine, and for those vehicles with manufacture year above 2010 are charged with
main PKB of current year and 25 percent fine of main value of PKB. Ease,
reduction, and scapegoat of BBNKB is given to non BE number plat to be
Iskandar Muda Pohan
conversed in BE number plat where the status of name in possession is changed
and the vehicle are transferred administratively to Lampung province. Efforts of
Lampung province in scapegoat of PKB and BBNKB do not improve greatly the
regional original income from tax sector. Inhibiting factors are that structure and
infrastructure to support this policy are not yet optimum, and less public
awareness to pay tax.
The researcher suggests the government to prepare structure and infrastructure
previously before publishing policy of scapegoat of PKB and BBNKB, so that this
policy will contribute the improvement of regional original income from tax
sector. Besides, the government should optimize the socialization and extension of
the importance of paying tax, especially vehicle tax (PKB) and vehicle name
possession transfer tax (BBNKB) to public of Lampung province.
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