Prevalance of pneumoconiosis among coal miners of Cherat, district Nowshera - Pakistan

Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of pneumoconiosisamong coal miners.Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 400 coalminers of Cherat, District Nowshera, KPK, Pakistan, from July 2012 to June2013. Coal miners who worked for more than six months were included. Medicalcamps were arranged in study areas in which Pulmonary Function Testsand CXR was conducted to estimate the prevalence of pneumoconiosis. Thedemographic variables were also noted on a semi structured proforma.Results: The medical examinations of coal miner’s revealed that approximately71% (n=284) of coal miners have sign and symptoms of occupational respiratoryhealth problems. The coal miners showed an increased prevalenceof coal workers pneumoconiosis (49.50%) i.e. about 47% (n=188) on ChestX-rays (P/A View) and 52.50% (n=210) on Pulmonary Function Tests has findingsof coal workers pneumoconiosis. Only 31.75% (n=127) of coal minershave normal pulmonary function tests and 35% (n=140) have normal chestx-ray findings during medical assessment.Conclusion: The prevalence of the pneumoconiosis was high (49.50%) amongthe Cherat coal miners; and needs proper consideration and attention fromthe health sector and mining department in order to reduce the high burdenof pneumoconiosis among coal miners.
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