Diyarbakır Devlet Hastanesi çalışanlarında HBV, HCV, HIV, VDRL seropozitifliğinin ve aşılanma oranlarının belirlenmesi

Bu calismanin amaci Diyarbakir Devlet Hastanesi’nde 2009 yilinda calismakta olan saglik personellerinde HBV (hepatit B virusu), HCV (hepatit C virusu), HIV (insan immunyetmezlik virusu) ile sifiliz seropozitifliginin arastirilmasi ve asilanma oranlarinin tespiti idi. Saglik calisanlari enfeksiyon kontrol programi dahilinde hepatit taramasi amacli enfeksiyon hastaliklari poliklinigine yonlendirildi. Yuzde 43,1’i sekreter, %56,9’u hasta bakimi ile ilgili birimlerde calisan personel olmak uzere 503 saglik calisaninin serum orneklerinde hepatit B yuzey antijeni (HBsAg), hepatit B yuzey antikoru (anti HBs), HCV antikoru (anti HCV) ve HIV antikoru (anti HIV), VDRL tetkikleri calisildi. Asilanma durumlari ve igne batmasi ile ilgili sorular cevaplayanlar uzerinden degerlendirildi. Bes temizlik personeli, 2 hemsire, 1 sekreter HBsAg pozitif bulundu. Saglik calisanlarinda hepatit B seroprevalansi %1,6 olup en sik gorulen meslekler %2,8 ile temizlik personelleri, %2,7 ile hemsireler olmakla beraber fark anlamli degildi. Hicbir calisanda HCV, HIV, VDRL seropozitifligi saptanmadi. Hepatit B bagisikligi meslek gruplarina gore karsilastirildiginda saglik teknisyenlerinde %94,4, hemsirelerde %90,5, temizlik personelinde %64,2, sekreterlerde %45,6 bulundu ve aradaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamliydi. Tetanoz asilanma orani en dusuk (%60,7) sekreterlerde iken hemsirelerin %93’u tetanoz asisi olduklarini belirtti. Hepatit B asilanma orani ise riskli grup olmalarina ragmen en dusuk %38,2 orani ile temizlik personellerinde saptanip, en yuksek asilanma orani %89,6 ile hemsirelerdeydi. Kadinlarda tetanoz asisi olma orani %74,3, erkeklerde %65,1 olup fark istatistiksel olarak anlamliydi (p=0,03). Hepatit B asilanma orani ise cinsiyete gore farklilik gostermiyordu (p=0,11). Hemsire ve saglik teknisyenlerinde HBV asilama oranlari iyi olmakla birlikte temizlik personellerinde asilanma oranlarinin iyilestirilmesi ve bulasici hastaliklar ile ilgili bilinclendirilmeleri gerekmektedir. Saglik calisanlarinda yapilacak tarama testleri ile asemptomatik hepatit tasiyicilari ve asilanmasi gerekenler tespit edilmelidir. Determination of HBV, HCV, HIV, VDRL seropositivity and vaccination rates in Diyarbakir State Hospital workers The aim of this study was to investigate hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis seropositivity of healthcare personnel working in Diyarbakir State Hospital in 2009, and to determine their immunization rates. Healthcare workers were conducted to infection policlinic for health screening as a part of infection control program. Five hundred three healthcare workers’ serum was examined for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis B surface antibody (anti HBs), HCV antibody (anti HCV) and HIV antibody (anti HIV), VDRL of whom 43.1% was secretary and 56.9% was personnel working for patient care. Questionnaire about immunization and needle stick injuries were evaluated for the participants that answered. Five cleaning employees, 2 nurses, 1 secretary were found to be HBsAg positive. Hepatitis B seroprevalance was 1.6% in healthcare workers. The most prevalent groups were cleaning employees with 2.8% and nurses with 2.7%, but the difference was not statistically significant. None of the workers were seropositive for HCV, HIV, VDRL. When hepatitis B immunity was compared between professions, it was 94.4% in health technicians, 90.5% in nurses, 64.2% in cleaning staff, 45.6% in secretary with statistically significant difference. Ninety three percent of nurses stated that they had tetanus shot whereas tetanus vaccination rate was lowest in secretary with 60.7%. Hepatitis B vaccination rate was lowest in cleaning staff with 38.2% although they were a risky group, and the highest vaccination rate was seen among nurses (89.6%). Tetanus vaccination rate was 74.3% in women and 65.1% in men with statistically significant difference (p=0.03). Hepatitis B vaccination rate did not differ among sex (p=0.11). Cleaning employees should be informed about contagious diseases and their immunization rates has to be improved, whereas HBV immunization rates of nurses and technicians are good. Asymptomatic hepatitis carriers and the ones that should have vaccine shots can be detected with screening tests among healthcare workers. J. Exp. Clin. Med., 2012; 29:280-284
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