Possibilities for realization of physical education teaching process in the first grade in Republic of Macedonia according the determined motor abilities of children

Respecting the individual possibilities of every child, respectively the adjustment of educational contents of children’s real possibilities and needs is one of the basic principles in educational work with children as well as in the realization of PE teaching process (Conception for nine years educational system in Republic of Macedonia, 2007). In this sense, the goal of this study was to determine the compatibility between children’s abilities and PE contents, through the analysis of the current PE curriculum for the fi rst grade in Republic of Macedonia and determined structure of motor space of 6 years old children (fi rst grade pupils), as well as to suggest diff erent activities that will innovate and enrich the current PE curriculum. Method: Motor abilities of the fi rst grade pupils were determined as a part of larger longitudinal study (Popeska, 2011) realized at a sample of 123 six years old children, pupils in the fi rst grade in fi ve primary schools in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Th e survey was conducted applying 33 motor test used for estimation of nine motor abilities (coordination, speed, frequency of movement, explosive, repetitive and static strength, balance, fl exibility and preciseness). Th e structure of motor space was determined using factor analysis – promax procedure. Established motor abilities were used as a fundament for analysis of educational contents from PE curriculum in the fi rst grade.
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