Los deslindes de heredades de Sepúlveda (siglo XV). Estudio diplomático

The apeo or deslinde de heredades is a type of document with complete juridic and diplomatic value, although this fact has been for a long time ignored by spe­cialised researchers. We describe in this article the way this records are written down in the medieval spanish town of Sepulveda (XVth cencury). The apeo is represented by seven documents, issued during almost a month, in which a pro­prietor tries to delimit all his possessions, so urban as rural ones (houses, fields, and so on). In this documents, ten juridical acts take place: petition, license and order to make the apeo; edition of public announcements and citatios; date fixing; conferring the faculty to the public notary; presentation of people that were in charge of making the apeo (the socalled apeadores); oath and the execution of the apeo or boundies marking.
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