Особливості стану психоемоційної сфери референтних родичів хворих із ендогенними психічними розладами як детермінанта типу суб’єктивного ставлення до пацієнта

243 reference relatives of patients with endogenous mental disorders (EPR is paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, recurrent depressive disorder) were examined, in which the characteristics of the psycho-emotional sphere in the context of their psychosocial functioning were determined. The psychoemotional state of reference relatives was investigated using the Spilberger–Khanin test and the Tsung questionnaire in the adaptation of T.I. Balashova. The level of family anxiety was analyzed by the AST questionnaire E.G. Eidemiller and V. Justickis. The subjective attitude of reference relatives to patients with ESR was studied on a structured interview scale to determine the relationship of family members to the disease (psychiatric diagnosis) in a relative according to V.A. Abramov, I.V. Zhigulina, T.L. Riapolova. The control group consisted of 55 mentally healthy individuals. A tendency toward a disturbance in the psychoemotional state was revealed in the reference relatives of patients with ESR, and anxiety and depressive manifestations prevailed in the reference relatives of patients with paranoid schizophrenia and were most pronounced in respondents living with a mentally ill family member with a disease duration of up to 4 years. It is shown that during the development of EPR, a family member of reference relatives gradually depletes emotional, individual psychological and communicative resources, which leads to distance and avoidance of intra-family interaction in situations. 42,8 % of the reference relatives of patients with paranoid schizophrenia and 37,3 % of the reference relatives of patients with affective disorders showed a mentally ill member of a dramatic family. 27,4 % of reference relatives of patients with paranoid schizophrenia and 18,1 % of reference relatives of patients with affective disorders had a negative (destructive) attitude to the patient’s mental state. This situation leads to an increase in the conflict and dysfunctionality of the family system as a whole, which may result in exacerbation of the mental disorder in the patient, as well as a general decrease in the quality of life of all family members.
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