Prevalencia de sarna demodécica en perros domésticos (Canis lupus familiaris) en Latacunga-Ecuador

Demodectic mange is the second mostcommon type of mange in dogs. Therefore, itwas proposed to determine the prevalence ofdemodectic mange in domestic dogs (CanisLupus Familiaris) in the sectors of Eloy Alfaro,Ignacio Flores, Juan Montalvo and La Matriz, ofthe Latacunga canton. The researchmethodology included the sampling of 72 dogswith dermatological problems, of different sex,age, with or without an owner, the methodcarried out was by skin scraping, which wascarried out with a scalpel blade until slightcapillary bleeding was produced. Sampleswere transported to the laboratory underrefrigeration, mineral oil was added for theirobservation and they were observed under a10X optical microscope. The prevalence ofDemodex canis was 16.67%. In this way, theexistence of this mite is demonstrated in thecanton of Latacunga, for which the ownersmust take their pets to a veterinarian toimplement a program to control and preventthe disease. One of the limitations that aroseduring the execution of this study lies in thefact that the population of the canton ofLatacunga does not have knowledge about thecare of their pets and about the responsibilitythey acquire when taking care of an animal.On the other hand, the animals did not have avaccination card and the owners themselvesself-medicate their animals or are taken tounauthorized centers for their medication.
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