Phase 1 trial of immunological adjuvant QS-21 with a GM2 ganglioside-keyhole limpet haemocyanin conjugate vaccine in patients with malignant melanoma

Increasing doses of saponin fraction QS-21 were administered as immunological adjuvant in a Phase 1 trial with a constant dose of the melanoma ganglioside GM2 covalently attached to keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH). Twenty-eight patients with AJCC Stage III or IV melanoma who were free from disease after surgery were treated with six vaccinations administered subcutaneously over a 5-month period. Local and systemic reactions were QS-21 dose-related. Doses of ≤100 μg induced mild local tenderness and inflammation at vaccination sites lasting 2–4 days and occasional brief low-grade fever and malaise, but no significant incapacitation. The 200 μg dose induced low-grade fever and malaise alter 30% of vaccinations and local reactions as large as 20 cm in diameter were seen in all patients, resulting in discomfort with usage of the injected extremity for 5–10 days. The titres of IgM and IgG antibodies against GM2, and IgG antibodies against KLH, were highest at the 100 and 200,μg QS-21 doses. No antibodies against QS-21 were detected. This trial identifies the 100 μg dose of QS-21 as the optimal well tolerated dose for induction of antibodies against both the melanoma ganglioside/GM2 and the protein KLH in melanoma patients.
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