Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society, 1990

The 126th annual meeting of the American Ophthalmological Society was held in Hot Springs, Va, May 20-23, 1990. This volume records the 20 scientific presentations at the meeting, nine theses accepted from new members of the society, and minutes of the business meetings. In general, the reports are concise, authoritative, and of current general ophthalmic interest. A veritable smorgasbord of ophthalmic topics is presented in this volume, including selected medical and surgical problems and even issues of general medical concern ("Some Issues in Graduate Medical Education" is the title of one section). The following topics were addressed in the meeting and are discussed in this text: laboratory studies (eg, the immunopathologic characteristics of the retinoblastoma protein, measurements of the force of the levator muscle, and morphologic changes in corneal cells caused by contact lens wear); clinical studies (eg, the ability of apraclonidine hydrochloride to lower intraocular pressure and its inability
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