Doença de Chagas: notificação de triatomíneos no Estado de São Paulo na década de 1990

The objective of this study was to analyze the surveillance of Chagas' disease in Sao Paulo State through notifications registered from 1990 to 1999. The information originated when notification of triatomines was announced by inhabitants and the established control program was followed. 20,563 triatomine notifications were received, showing a decrease over the years, with more accentuated decreases in the area of greatest frequency of Panstrongylus megistus. Each notification corresponded to an average of 1.3 examples of captured triatomines (median = 1), predominantly in the intradomicile area, while during attendance, the mean number of collected insects was 3.6 (median = 2), mostly present in the peridomicile area. The notification distribution permitted the demarcation of three different areas in the state: area 1, comprising the areas of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Aracatuba and part of Presidente Prudente; area 2, Sao Vicente and Sorocaba; area 3, municipalities located to the northeast of the Campinas region. Analysis showed that entomological surveillance through triatomine notification, despite the fall in the same, has not detected intradomiciliary colonies associated with Trypanosoma cruzi which could give rise to vectorial transmission of Chagas' disease.
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