Domestic Violence and Subjective Well Being Among The Women Professionals And House Wives

Domestic Violence can be described as when one adult in a relationship misuses power to control another. It is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. The violence may involve physical abuse, sexual assault and threats. Sometimes it’s more subtle, like making someone feel worthless, not letting them have any money, or not allowing them to leave the home. Social isolation and emotional abuse can have long-lasting effects as well as physical violence. Many women in India are the victims of domestic abuse. Innumerable women who silently suffer assaults and abuses everyday inside every second home across the country can now perhaps look forward to a remedy that protects their vulnerable position. The phenomenon of domestic violence is widely prevalent but has remained largely unseen. The present study concludes that moderate level of domestic violence was found among both working professionals and house wives. The subjective well being was found to be moderate among the working professionals and high among the house wives. However, not much difference is noticed between these two categories of women with respect to domestic violence and subjective wellbeing.
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