Yeniçağa (Bolu) Gölü'ndeki Kerevitlerin (Astacus leptodactylus) Bazı Dokularındaki Ağır Metal Birikim Farklılıkları

OZET: Bu calismanin amaci kerevit dokularindaki bazi agir metallerin (Cd, Cr, Mn, Pb) dokulardaki birikim farklarini ortaya koymaktir. Yurutulen calismada farkli zamanlarda toplanan 30 kerevit kullanilmistir. Dokular arasindaki birikim farklarini istatistiksel olarak yorumlamak icin One Way ANOVA ve Mann Whitney U testleri kullanilmistir. Calisilan agir metaller icinde tum dokularda en fazla birikim yapanin Mn oldugu gorulmustur. Cr'nin en yuksek birikimi solungaclarda gerceklesmistir (P<0.05). Cd ve Mn en fazla solungacta birikmis ve tum dokular arasinda anlamli farklar gorulmustur. Pb ise en yuksek birikimi dis iskelette yapmistir. Dis iskeletteki birikim tum dokulara gore anlamli olmakla beraber solungac ile kas arasinda da anlamli fark gorulmustur. Anahtar Sozcukler: Agir metal, Cd, Kerevit, Anova, Mann-Whitney Heavy Metals Accumulation in the Some Tissues of Crayfish ( Astacus leptodactylus ) at the Lake Yenicaga (Bolu) ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to determine the difference of accumulation for some heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Mn, Pb) in the tissues of crayfish. A total of 30 crayfish has been caught at different times. One-Way ANOVA and Mann Whitney U test were performed to test the significance of the difference of heavy metal contents among crayfish tissues. It was detected that Mn had the highest accumulation in all tissues. The accumulation of Cr is highest at the gills (P<0.05). Cd and Mn had the highest accumulation ratio in gills and significant differences were found among all tissues. Pb accumulation was highest in exo-skeleton. This accumulation is significantly different compared to all other tissues in favor of exo-skeleton and the accumulation between muscle tissue and gills is significant too. Keywords: Heavy metal, Cd, Crayfish, Anova, Mann-Whitney
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