Ecological Restoration and Productive Recovery of Saline Environments from the Argentine Monte Desert Using Native Plants

The accumulation of soluble salts in soils is one of the main environmental factors that contribute to the productive capacity limitations of Argentina’s arid ecosystems. Salinization processes lead to critical states of degradation and desertification. The challenge to recover and improve the productivity of such degraded areas is complex because it should consider restoration strategies that will be integrated with local economic, cultural, and social activities. The integrative use and management of native species in remediation programs are an attractive restoration tool that could improve the productivity capacity of degraded areas. Native species have developed numerous strategies and adaptations that could ensure their survival in saline environments. Nevertheless, species selection, management, and appropriate technologies to be used in afforestation programs may be limited because of partial information on the potential and requirements of each native species and the environmental characteristics of each site. In this chapter, we analyze not only the problem of soil salinization and the challenge of restoring saline environments in Argentina, but also the characteristics of native species of trees, shrubs, and grasses of the Monte region, considering their salt tolerance and the provision of goods and services to local populations, which can be useful in restoration programs.
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