Novela ou romance? A construção da narrativa contemporânea Opisanie Swiata na era da multiplicidade

This article presents an analysis of Veronica’s Stigger work, Opisanie Świata (2013), focusing on the construction of this narrative. The discussions are directed, first, around the theories of novel and romance, in order to perceive the characteristics of the narrative that link to these two genres. Then the idea of contemporary, developed by Agamben (2009), will be linked to work at the same time discussing the presence of the narrative in the era of multiplicity, based on the theoretical concepts of Resende (2008). This is a bibliographic research based on the postulates of Bakhtin (2010), Carneiro (2005), Eikhenbaum (1971), Soares (2007), among others. Through the analysis, the text presents the work of Stigger as a hybrid narrative resulting from the merger between romance and novel, and indicates the points that characterize the work as belonging to the era of multiplicity, along with aspects of contemporary idea.
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