The analysis of the satisfaction level of the sportsmen in the team setting.

Bayburt University School of Physical Education and Sports, Bayburt (TURKEY) *Corresponding author: DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2013/5-5/B.59 ABSTRACT This research has been applied to analyse the satisfaction levels of the sportsmen who work in various sport branches. To the research, 316 licensed sportsmen attended from thecities Nigde, Karaman, Aksaray from the branches football, basketball, wrestling, taekwondo and badminton. The data about the sport satisfaction have been obtained from the sports satisfaction scale developed by Chella Dural and Riemer (1997). The Credibility analysis of the scales of those have been used during the research, has been done and the scale of the sports satisfactionCranach’s alpha value has been found as 0, 96. It is detected that talent election and the points belong to the strategy sub dimensions don’t vary in significant levels according to the sport branches. When the sportsmen are analysed according to the gender variable, the sport satisfaction scale shows a great difference in talent election and strategies at the sub dimensions which is related to the trainer, and at the both dimensions male sportsmen got the higher ranks compared to female ones. The sub dimensions related to Personal Behaviour and Training and Learning don't show critical difference according to the gender variable. There is not a difference between the two genders at the ranks belong to the sub dimensions related to the Individual Performance, ethics,budget, health personnel and external components. However, at the sub dimensions related to the Individual Self sacrifice and Academic Support Service male sportsmen have significantly much higher ranks than the female sportsmen. As a result, when the sportsmen were analysed according to the gender variable, ones of the subdimensions of ASQ related to the trainer factor, Talent Election and strategy (p<0.05) Show meaningful difference, in both subdimensions male sportsmen have higher points that the female ones. Key words: Sportsman, Sport Satisfaction, Different Sport Branches 1. INTRODUCTION Sport is all the body movements which can be done individually or collectively and generally leading to the competition and applied according to the certain rules (Coknaz, 1998:12). Sportsman is an active element of sport who devotes him/herself to sport directly or indirectly ;does the sport individually or collectively; in further stages makes it a job; competitive, supportive and takes place in a cultural matter of fact; having physical and moral aspects; seeks moral and material satisfaction from the job s/he does (Erkal,1982). As social creatures, Sport is one of the most important tools meeting people's psychological necessities. By the help of the sport, individuals discover their covered skills and aspects and trigger their creativeness. (Kuru,2004). Sport is a biological, pedagogical, social phenomenon which improves the organic and psychological health and organizes social behaviours and brings us in a certain level mentally and motorically (Ozcanoglu, 1993:30). Sports steps up being respectful to each other, obeying the rules, cooperation, behaving independently, self discipline, being determined and resolute, and socialising. (Kuru and Bastug, 2006). The relationship between the trainer and the sportsman is an inevitable component of sport; mant observational records taken by the sports and the concrete evidence obtained as a result showing that this relationship is highly necessary for the sportsmen's success and the satisfaction from the sport. As the sportsmen's satisfaction is closely related to the team integrity and performances, detecting the trainer's importance to the sportsman and his satisfaction research related with the sport they do is highly crucial. (Ince, 2006: 2). Performance reveals not only with the success but also with the satisfaction from the sport and happiness. The trainer's purpose is not to see the sportsman a material, but to see as a necessity for the success and to make the sportsmen feel that they are valuable and necessary (Filiz, 2007:207). When looked through the satisfaction process, the main thing that should be looked is the basic components laying underneath the satisfaction. Satisfaction is the meeting the expectations. (Naktiyok, 2002:168) When the sportsmen's expectations aren't met, dissatisfaction(unhappiness) arises, and linked to that the sportsman becomes tend to give up the sport. Firstly had
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