Comparación de la atención visual y campo visual en deportistas en Comparación de la atención visual y campo visual en deportistas en función del nivel de pericia función del nivel de pericia Comparison of the visual attention and visual field in athletes depending Comparison of the visual attention and visual field in athletes depending on their expertise level on their expertise level

Resumen Correspondencia/correspondence: Ivan Gonzalez GarciaFacultad de Ciencias de la Educacion y del Deporte de Pontevedra. Universidad de Vigo.Campus A Xunqueira s/n. 36005. Pontevedra. Espana.E-mail: ivanglezgarcia@uvigo.esIn team sports, the player must be able to observe what is happening in his environment, through anoptimal visual field, to maintain a level of care in all actions. The aim of this research is to comparethe visual attention and the degree of the visual field between experienced athletes and amateur ath-letes. The sample (N = 60) is composed of 36 experienced athletes and 24 amateur atheletes. Theprocedure used to evaluate the visual field is the dual task technique. The independent variables arethe type of sport and the amplitude of the visual field. The dependent variables are the number ofsuccessful (i.e., success rate) in a dual attention task and the reaction time of peripheral stimuli. Ourdata show that, to stimuli located in their visual field, the experienced atheletes get both fewer errorsin the attentional task and a shorter visual reaction time than novice athletes (p < .05). Presentresults suggest that the experience is a determining factor in obtaining a greater capacity in atten-tional tasks and proficiency in the recognition of stimuli in the visual field.
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