Essentials of domestic animal embryology

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION & GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1 Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Morphogenesis . Cell proliferation: Cell cycle, differentiation, regulation . Cell demise: Apoptosis . Cytoskeleton/Extracellular Matrix/Cell-Matrix interactions . Morphogenesis & Patterning 2 Comparative Gestation . Distinctions of the Early Embryo, Embryonic and Fetal Periods of Gestation . Species Variations Effecting Gestation Length: Companion, Domestic, Wildlife and Laboratory Animals . Reproductive Cycles: Hormones, Estrous, Organs, Seasonal . Fecundity: Survival Strategies, Conception Rates DIFFERENTIATION OF GERM LAYERS 3. Gametogenesis . Mitosis/Meiosis . Oogenesis . Spermatogenesis . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 4. Fertilization . Acrosome Reaction . Sperm-Zona Pellucida Interactions . Gamete Fusion . Blocks to Polyspermy . Syngamy and Embryo Activation . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 5. Embryo Cleavage and Blastulation . Polarity, Compaction and Cavitation . Embryonic Disc, Primitive Streak and Formation of the Bilaminar Embryo . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 6. Gastrulation, Body Folding and Coelom Formation . Notocord, Neural Tube and Segmentation . Differentiation of Ectoderm, Mesoderm and Endoderm . Body Folding, Coelom Formation and Lung Development . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 7. Development of the Peripheral Nervous System . Spinal Cord and Motor/Sensory Innervation . Somite Development 8. Comparative Placentation . Extraembryonic Membranes: Amnion, Yolk Sac, Allantois, Chorion . Placental Strategies: Choriovitelline, Chorioallantoic . Species Variations . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 9. Development of the Limbs . Limb Bud Formation . Apical Ectodermal Ridge . Development of the Appendicular Skeleton, Musculature, Vasculature and Innervation . Differentiation of Distal Appendages: Digit Formation . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 10. Development of the Heart . Primitive Heart Tube Formation . Development of Heart Chambers and Valves . Development of the Conduction System . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 11. Development of the Vascular System . Formation of the Aortic Arches and the Arterial System . Development of the Vitelline, Umbilical and Cardinal Venous System . The Coronary Vasculature . Circulatory changes at Parturition . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 12. Development of the Gastrointestinal System . The Enteric Canal . Stomach, Pancreas, Liver and Spleen . Development of Peritoneum and Formation of Mesenteries . Rotation and Fixation of the Midgut . Differentiation of the Large Bowel . Septation and Differentiation of the Cloaca . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 13. Development of the Urogenital System . Pronephros Differentiation . Development of the Mesonephric and Metanephric Kidneys . Urogenital Ridge and Gonad Development . Development of the Urogentital Duct Systems and External Genitalia . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 14. Development of the Head and Neck . Development of the Skull and Vertebrae . Differentiation of Pharyngeal Arch Structures and Pouch Derivatives . Development of the Palate, Tongue and Pituitary . Development of Facial Structures . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 15. Development of the Brain and Cranial Nerves . Regional Differentiation and Functional Relationships . Development of the Ventricular System . Development and Function of the Cranial Nerves . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 16. Development of the Eyes and Ears . Formation of the Ear . Formation of the Eye . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases 17. Development of the Integumentary System . Differentiation of the Epidermis and Dermis . Development of Epidermal Glands including Mammary Glands . Formation of Hair and Teeth . Veterinary Clinical Applications/Cases CLINICAL AND APPLIED SYSTEMS 18. Teratology . Genetic & Congenital . Critical Periods & Teratogenic Agents . Maternal/Fetal Interactions . Specie-Specific Manifestations 19. Assisted Reproductive Technologies . Artificial Insemination and Embryo/Gamete Transfer (ET,GIFT, ZIFT, etc) . Cryopreservation of Germplasm . In Vitro Maturation, Fertilization and Embryo Production . Embryo Micromanipulation: Splitting, ICSI, Transgenics, Embryonic Stem Cells/ Chimeras, Cloning 20. Applied Embryology: Veterinary and Societal Issues . The Role of the Veterinarian . Contemporary Issues Additional Reading - References Glossary Index
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