Absence of brain metastases in late relapse of HER2-overexpressed breast carcinoma

1014 Background: The incidence of brain metastases (BM) in HER2 3+ breast carcinoma (BC) reported in the literature is between 20–34%, usually during first 2 years of metastatic disease. However, there are limited data about BM as a late relapse in HER2 over expressed BC. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze BM as a late relapse in patients with HER2 over expressed and non over expressed BC. Late relapse is defined as relapse at least five years after initial diagnose. Methods: Medical documentation of all patients with late relapse was analyzed for DFI and development of BM at any time point during metastatic disease. IHH (Herceptest DAKO) HER-2 status was determined on the archived pathological specimens of the primary BC Results: Among 1,256 BC patients diagnosed during 6 months period (June-November, 2005 at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia), 111 (8,8%) were diagnosed with late relapse. Median age at the initial diagnose was 50 years (33–74), median time to relapse was 7 ye...
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