Development of Universal Ultimate Total Green Chemistry and Eco-Agriculture for Sustainable Productivity

In agriculture, most of the chemical reactions emit several green house gases (GHGs), viz., carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), and Chloroflouro carbons (CFCs). The detritus consumers cause environmental nuisances of bad odors, bitter stings, bites, itching, fever, dysentery, malaria, dengue, etc. In this study, new eradicating routes were carved to reduce the emission of GHGs. Innovative application of scientific facts of nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, sulfur cycle, P, K, etc., hydrology, chemistry, biology, environmental sciences and environmental engineering were embedded for creating bed configuration of raised beds and furrows that conduct all essential functions to produce primary and secondary natural resources to enhance productivity. It is named as smart, alive and enthusiastic nature agriculture that fosters total ultimate green chemistry. Subsequently, the components of the smart nature agriculture have been innovatively devised to produce scientific basis of technology of crop and cropping patterns, manures and fertilizers, weeds and crop residues management, bed configuration, precision planting, ultimate green irrigation, zero weeding, and toil free eco-agriculture, harvesting, postharvesting storage of crops and cultivation of land for nitrogen management. The enhancement in productive capacity (REY 572 q/ha unimaginable yield level) and reductions of GHGs were sufficiently substantiated and several practices reformed based on the scientific bases. This smart nature agriculture practice proves to be a Sun technology, which is universally applicable for all soil, climate, ecosystems, crops, cropping practices for irrigated and rainfed agriculture, in contrast with so far acquired bright spots. Thus, this study gave total solution for enhancing productivity in the coming global warming scenario and climate change and showed new way of getting free from the worry of grim global food situation in present and posterity. It warrants development of seeding/planting combine, and equally important industrial support, as has been done for the development of combine harvester.
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