Science at LLNL with IBM Blue Gene/Q

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has a long history of working with IBM on Blue Gene® supercomputers. Beginning in November 2001 with the joint announcement of a partnership to expand the Blue Gene research project (including Blue Gene®/L and Blue Gene®/P), the collaboration extends to this day with LLNL planning for the installation of a 96-rack Blue Gene®/Q (called Sequoia) supercomputer. As with previous machines, we envision Blue Gene/Q will be used for a wide array of applications at LLNL, ranging from meeting programmatic requirements for certification to increasing our understanding of basic physical processes. We briefly describe a representative sample of mature codes that span this application space and scale well on Blue Gene hardware. Finally, we describe advances in multi-scale whole-organ modeling of the human heart as an example of breakthrough science that will be enabled with the Blue Gene/Q architecture.
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