Cross-Country Profile of Adult Caregivers

Poster Presented at the ISPOR 18 Annual European Congress │ 7-11 November 2015 │ Milan, Italy ©Copyright  2015 Kantar Health, 1 Independence Way  Suite 220, Princeton, NJ 08540 USA, 609-720-5480  Family members assume important roles when caring for an adult relative, which may negatively impact their own well-being and finances.  CGs exhibited lower HRQoL scores and higher rates of depressive symptoms.  Profiling the differences of CG burden by country could help illustrate the need for interventions to minimize burden, especially in France and Japan. CONCLUSIONS  Caring for an adult relative (e.g., elderly parents) has been associated with stress and negative outcomes such as depression and anxiety as well as financial burdens.  The aim of this analysis is to profile caregivers (CGs) across eight countries relative to non-CGs with respect to differences in demographics, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scores, depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ-9), and CG burden. OBJECTIVE CROSS-COUNTRY PROFILE OF ADULT CAREGIVERS Riccardo Pedersini, PhD; Kathy Annunziata, MA Kantar Health, Epsom, UK; Kantar Health, Princeton, NJ, USA
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