Cultural Isolation and the Schizophrenic Personality

Data from various sources appear to support the hypothesis that the "shut-in" or "seclusive" personality, which is generally considered to be the basis of schizophrenia, may be the result of an extended period of "cultural isolation," that is, separation from intimate and sympathetic social contacts. A large number of the cases in the hospital records show some history of this isolation, and many even show evidence that the patient had once been normally sociable and developed the seclusiveness only after a long period of isolation. Descriptions of prisoners in solitary confinement, and other spatially isolated peoples, show that in time many develop the typical schizoid symptoms. An examination of the early social situation indicates that the large number of schizophrenics came from communities in which the social disorganization was very marked and an intimate social life was difficult to achieve. Where social contacts are adequate, the schizoid personality type is rare or completely lacking. Finally, t...
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