Effect of industry on the content of fatty acids in the tissues of the honey-bee head

The tissues of the head of honey bees which are kept in the areas with a medium and low level of technogenic burden demonstrate the decrease in the contents of iron, zinc, copper, chromium, nickel, lead and cadmium in comparison with the tissues of the head of honey bees grown in areas with a high level of technogenic burden. Due to the activity of saturated fatty acids with the even and odd number of carbon atoms in chain, monounsaturated fatty acids of n-7 and n-9 families and polyunsaturated fatty acids of n-3 and n-6 families, the contents of anionic fatty acids, which are inaccessible for the bee body, decreases in the tissues of the head of honey bees which are kept in the areas with a medium and low level of technogenic burden in comparison with the tissues of the head of honey bees grown in areas with a high level of technogenic burden. 3. Monounsaturated fatty acids of n-7 and n-9 families and polyunsaturated fatty acids of n-3 and n-6 families in the tissues of the head of honey bees lead to increase of the total number of easily accessible non-esterified fatty acids for the honey bees which are kept in the areas with a medium and low level of technogenic burden in comparison with the tissues of the head of honey bees grown in areas with a high level of technogenic burden. Furthermore, the intensity of transformations of the non-esterified form of linolenic acid in its more long-chain and more unsaturated derivatives rises in the head tissues of the former. This fact indicates that the reduction of technogenic impact on the area results in the increase of the activity of desaturase in the tissues of the head of honey bees. 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