Information to support the re-assessment of ecologically and biologically significant areas (EBSAs) in the Beaufort Sea Large Ocean Management Area

IV RESUME IV INTRODUCTION 1 BACKGROUND 1 Past Beaufort Sea EBSA Identification Process 2 Past Canadian Arctic EBSA Identification Process 5 METHODS 5 Rationale for EBSA Identification and Evaluation 6 ASSESSMENT OF CANDIDATE BEAUFORT SEA EBSAS 8 1. Herschel Island/Yukon North Slope 9 2. Mackenzie Trough 11 3. Mackenzie Estuary and Nearshore Beaufort Shelf 11 4. Beaufort Shelf Break 13 5. Beaufort Shelf Slope 13 6. Husky Lakes 13 7. Liverpool Bay 14 8. Horton River 14 9. Franklin Bay 15 10. Cape Parry 16 11. Nearshore Darnley Bay 16 12. Offshore Darnley Bay 17 13. DeSalis Bay 17 14. Thesiger Bay 18 15. Walker Bay 18 16. Minto Inlet/Kuujjua River 19 17. Albert Islands/Safety Channel 19 18. Kagloryuak River 19 19. Viscount Melville Sound 20 20. Banks Island Flaw Lead 20 21. Cape Bathurst Polynya 21 22. Cape Bathurst/Ballie Island 21 23. Beaufort Gyre/Multi-year Pack Ice 22 24. Prince of Wales Strait 22 CONCLUSIONS 23 REFERENCES CITED 25 PERSONAL COMMUNICATION 30 APPENDIX 31
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