Teaching Cryptography Using CYPHER (InteraCtive CrYPtograpHic Protocol TEaching and LeaRning)

The lack of cryptographic knowledge is one factor contributing to the cybersecurity skills gap. Cryptography is the core of the research in data security and a fundamental component in information assurance yet complex topic, with its purpose to conceal and authenticate information. Hence, teaching cryptography-based security protocols in an effective and engaging manner is a challenging problem throughout international HE sectors. With explanations usually based around mathematical notations, it can be a daunting and difficult subject for many students. This point is emphasized by the consistently lower marks achieved, in comparison to other course modules. To combat this, we propose the CYPHER platform, which delivers a motivating and engaging practical element to teaching and learning popular cryptographic protocols. It customizes a real-world scenarios that are illustrated by animation videos to depict and simplify a number of well-known cryptographic protocols. CYPHER provides an interactive learning experience, allowing the breakdown of complex topics to a level understood by each student. By providing assessment gamification, the delivered knowledge will be assessed in a fun way by playing a game to pass a number of stages and measure the level of understanding. The analysis of the evaluations' results showed that over 88% of the students surveyed had found the CYPHER platform increased the overall speed of understanding.
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