Biological control of Culicidae with the copepod Mesocyclops aspericornis and larvivorous fish (Poeciliidae) in a village of French Polynesia

. The copepod Mesocyclops aspericornis Daday and the larvivorous fishes Gambusia affinis (B. & G.) and Poecilia reticulata R. & B., were released into mosquito breeding sites in Tuherahera village, Tikehau atoll, French Polynesia, to control larvae of Aedes aegypti (L.), Ae.polynesiensis Marks, Culex annulirostris Skuse and Cx quinquefasciatus Say. Treatments were completed within a week, in January 1990. Fish quickly eliminated mosquito larvae from the open breeding sites (ponds, wells). The impact of copepods in water tanks, drums and covered wells was inconsistent, apparently depending on the availability of microfaunal diet for growth of copepod nauplii. As the biting rate of adult Ae.aegypti seemed to be unaffected by the biological control of larvae, this village-scale experiment was judged to be unsuccessful as a means of vector control.
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