Sociocultural Study of Values and Traditions of Sindh as Depicted in Shah’s Poetry

Sindhi people are tolerating forbearing and famous for their good practices of hospitality. There is always a guest house (Otaque) at village level in Sindh society where guests are served delicious food with simplicity. The welcoming moments of the male and female guests are bringing many sensitizations and lovable feelings when they are presented with indigenous cultural gifts like Sindhi cap and Ajrak. These human values and good traditional practices reflect about Sindh as piece of land with vigorous seed of spirituality. This congenial seed was spread on Sindh with the friendly visits of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai along with his disciples. He observed the social and cultural dynamic values of common people who were living for flung areas in Sindh. He composed his poetry in the language of the common people. Shah did not prefer luxury life but he faced many hardships during the travel in far and wide areas. His poetry highlights social conditions of people living in Sindh where social and cultural values are presented in each chapter of poetic collection. Shah‟s poetry is a chief source of offering folk-wisdom to those people who are not formally educated but they keep all good qualities of a well-educated person. The poetry sensitizes people to own their peculiarities with good character building customs in present times as well. The poetry has been travelling in oral and written forms with much of interest of readers which are very rare phenomenon. Many nonliterate women are participating in scholarly discussions with references of Shah‟s verses generally they keep memorizing very difficult words. This is largely rendered and discussed in literary forms. The exploration of good values and traditions from Shah‟s in the field of social sciences will perform some characters building qualities to our future generations to bring peace, tolerance and respect for the societies.
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