La enseñanza de educación sexual y su importancia en el desarrollo psicosocial en los niños de primera etapa paralelo “B” del centro infantil “Cesar Francisco Naranjo Rumazo” ubicado en la provincia de Cotopaxi, cantón Pujilí, en el periodo académico 2014– 2015

Sexual education teaching from a very early age has been the main goal of this research. In the same opinions and criteria issued by several professionals as well as parents who are the beneficiaries of this research which was collected. The parents’ experiences were part of this work, the parents who have had to face their children to situations related to sexuality. It’s worth emphasize that the same circumstances, teachers who work with children at an early age this manual will guide the orientation and ease of speaking clearly about sexuality. In the investigation it was learned that sexuality is present in the human beings’ lives from birth. The research results showed the lack of knowledge on the subject is for this reason that the training manual will allow treating sexual issue clearly. Thus achieve an ideal communication between parents and children in such a way to foster a culture of respect for the human body and with others. Under these parameters the society will see the issue of sexuality as something natural but not as something forbidden.
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