Methionine5-enkephalin and opiate binding sites in the neurohypophysis of the bird, Gallus domesticus.

Abstract Uncertainties with respect to the cellular localization, binding characteristics and function of Met-enkephalin in the neurohypophysis of mammalian species prompted us to examine the neurohypophysis of a non-mammalian species for opioid material and opioid binding sites. In extracts of the neurohypophysis of the domestic fowl we found immunoassayable Met-enkephalin, but could not detect dynorphin(1–8)-like material. Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity was co-localized with mesotocin in the same nerve endings. Stereospecific opiate binding was specifically located in neurosecretosomes (isolated neurosecretory terminals) of the mesotocin type, as shown by autoradiography. Enkephalins therefore may modulate mesotocin release in an autocrine manner. The neurohypophysis of this common bird appears to be a favorable model for studies of enkephalin function in the absence of dynorphin.
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