Effect of defect creation and migration on hump characteristics of a-InGaZnO thin film transistors under long-term drain bias stress with light illumination

Abstract We investigated the mechanism of formation of the hump that occurs in the current-voltage I-V characteristics of amorphous InGaZnO (a-IGZO) thin film transistors (TFTs) that are exposed to long-term drain bias stress under illumination. Transfer characteristics showed two-stage degradation under the stress. At the beginning of the stress, the I-V characteristics shifted in the negative direction with a degradation of subthreshold slope, but the hump phenomenon developed over time in the I-V characteristics. The development of the hump was related to creation of defects, especially ionized oxygen vacancies which act as shallow donor-like states near the conduction-band minimum in a-IGZO. To further investigate the hump phenomenon we measured a capacitance-voltage C-V curve and performed two-dimensional device simulation. Stretched-out C-V for the gate-to-drain capacitance and simulated electric field distribution which exhibited large electric field near the drain side of TFT indicated that V O 2+ were generated near the drain side of TFT, but the hump was not induced when V O 2+ only existed near the drain side. Therefore, the degradation behavior under DBITS occurred because V O 2+ were created near the drain side, then were migrated to the source side of the TFT.
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