The Pattern of Distribution of ABO Blood Groups in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria

The study was undertaken to assess the distribution of the ABO blood groups in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. Blood group types of forty-three thousand, nine hundred and nineteen (43,919) people were collected from eight different hospitals in Kaduna metropolis over a period of four years. These hospitals are easily accessible by all groups and classes of people because of their location. Phenotypic and allelic frequencies were determined to understand the distribution pattern of the ABO blood groups. A chi-square test was carried out to test whether the population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The O blood group occurred with the highest frequency (44.13%), while the AB blood group had the lowest occurrence of 3.98%. Blood group A was more predominant (29.12%) than B blood group (22.77%). The O allele had the highest allelic frequency (0.67), while the A and B alleles were lower (0.19 and 0.14 respectively). The ABO blood group system was found to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
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