A CASE SERIES STUDY OF MESIODENS AMONG CHILDREN-İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesine Başvuran Mesiodensi Olan Çocukların Vaka Serisi

ABSTRACT Purpose: Supernumerary tooth is one of the developmental problems in children. Supernumerary tooth present in the midline of the maxilla is called “mesiodens”. Mesiodens present classical oral complication such as impaction of adjacent teeth, crowding, diastema formation, rotation, displacement of teeth, and occlusal interference. The treatment modality is removal of mesiodens and further observation till the permanent incisors erupt. The aim of this study is to evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of mesiodens, with an analysis of the associated clinical-eruptive complications. Materials and Methods: Thirty two patients with mesiodens were included in the present study. Radiological examination, age, sex distribution, number of mesiodens per patient, shape, size, direction of the eruption and the relationship with permanent incisors were documented. Results: The results showed that males were affected approximately 3.5 times more than females; most of the mesiodens were conical in shape (67.56%) where as the rest the others were tuberculate (32.44%). Of the 32 children, 27 (84.37%) had one mesiodens and 5 (15.63%) had two mesiodens bilaterally to midline.12 mesiodens out of 37 (32.44%) were fully impacted. The most common complication caused by mesiodens was delayed eruption of the permanent incisors and there were 14 cases (43.75%) in such condition. Conclusion: Mesiodens as the most prevalent form of supernumerary teeth in permanent dentition is not a rare condition. Extraction of mesiodens in the early mixed dentition helps spontaneous alignment of the permanent dentition in childhood. Keywords: Supernumerary tooth, mesiodens, midline OZ Amac: Arti disler cocuklarda gelisimsel bir problem olarak ortaya cikmaktadir. Maksilla orta hat civarinda bulunan arti disler mesiodens olarak tanimlanir. Mesiodensin komplikasyonlari arasinda cevredeki daimi disin gomulu olarak kalmasi ve/veya surmemesi, diestema olusumu, dislerde rotasyon, yer degisikligi ve okluzyon problemleridir. Tedavisi mesiodensin cekimi ve daimi disin surmesine kadar takiptir. Bu calismanin amaci mesiodenslerin epidemiyolojik karakterlerinin degerlendirilmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismaya mesiodensi olan 32 cocuk hasta dahil edilmistir. Radyolojik muayene, yas, cinsiyet, hastalardaki mesiodens sayisi, sekli, boyutu, surme yolu ve daimi kesici disler ile iliskileri kaydedilmistir. Bulgular: Calisma sonuclarina gore erkek cocuklarda mesiodens gorulme sikligi kiz cocuklara oranla 3.5 kat daha fazladir. En sik gorulen mesiodens sekli konik mesiodens (%67.56) olup diger mesiodensler tuberkul sekillidir (%32.44). Calismaya dahil edilen 32 cocugun 27’sinde (%84.37) bir mesiodens belirlenmis kalan 5 (%15.63) ccuk hastada ise bilateral 2 mesiodense rastlanmisi. Clisadaki 37 mesiodensten 12’si (%32.44) tamamen goutu. Hastalar arasida en si gouen komplikasyon, 14 vakada goumusolan daimi keser diserin sume gecikmesidir. Sonuc: Erken karisik dislenme doneminde mesiodenslerin cekimi cocukluk donemindeki daimi dislerin surme ve siralanma problemlerini ortadan kaldirmaktadir. Anahtar kelimeler: Arti dis, mesiodens, orta hat
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