Structure of30Si from the spectroscopy of highly excited states

Highly excited states in30Si were investigated using the27Al(α, p γ) reaction. Proton-γ ray angular correlations were measured atEα=12, 14.1 and 15MeV. At 15MeV linear polarizations ofγ-rays were measured in coincidence with protons using a five-crystal Compton-polarimeter. Lifetimes were measured atEα=14.6 MeV using the Dopper-shift attenuation method. Unambigious spin-parity assignments were obtained for the levels at 6,865 (3+), 7,001 (5+), 7,079 (3+), 7,810 (4), 9,371 (6+), 7,613 (4−), 8,196 (5−), 8,596 (4−), 8,963 (5−), 9,111 (6−), 9,350 (4−), 9,507 (5−), 9,777 (6−), 10,188 (5−), 10,305 (3−), 10,561 (6−), 10,725 (7−), 11,477 (6−) and 11,544 (7−)keV excitation energy, respectively. The structure of30Si is understood both in terms of the shell model and the collective model. The levels at 5,487, 6,505, 8,196, 9,777 and 11,544keV, respectively, are theIπ=3− through 7− members of a well developedKπ=3− rotational band with intrinsic quadrupole moment |Q0|=350 −70 +250 mb. There is evidence of further rotational bands, among them aKπ=3− band with |Q0|=800 −80 +422 mb.
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