Edge placement error fundamentals and impact of EUV: will traditional design-rule calculations work in the era of EUV?

The relationship between edge placement error (EPE), semiconductor design-rule determination, and predicted yield in the era of EUV lithography is examined, starting with the basics of EPE and then building up to design-rule calculations. The EPE definitions can be used as the building blocks for design-rule equations. Next the concept of “good fields” is explored and used to predict the n-sigma value needed for design-rule determination. Specifically, fundamental yield calculations based on the failure opportunities per chip are used to determine at what n-sigma value design-rules need to be tested to ensure high yield. The “value” can be a space between two features, an intersect area between two features, a minimum area of a feature, etc. It is shown that across-chip variation of design-rule important values needs to be tested at sigma values between seven and eight, which is much higher than the 4-sigma values traditionally used for design-rule determination. After recommending new statistics be used for design-rule calculations, we examine the impact of EUV lithography on sources of variation important for design-rule calculations.
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