Variation in Picea glauca seed germination associated with the year of cone collection.

The effects of cone storage period and pregermination treatment on seed maturity and dormancy were compared for cones of white spruce (Piceaglauca (Moench) Voss) collected from individual trees in 1984 and 1988. Seeds were extracted from cones and germinated after 2 or 6 weeks of cone storage in 1984 and after 2, 4, 6, 10, or 14 weeks in 1988. Based on cumulative degree-days, seeds were more mature at collection time in 1988 than in 1984. Seeds from 1984 cones stored for 6 weeks matured during storage, and both germination percentage (GP) and rate of germination (GR) were significantly improved. In contrast, storage up to 14 weeks in 1988 did not increase GP and GR, as seed had attained maturity prior to cone collection. Seed dormancy was present in both 1984 and 1988. Significant improvements in GP and GR were achieved in 1984 with a pregermination treatment even before seed maturity was attained. Prechilling of seed after 6 weeks of cone storage increased GP from 60 to 95% in 1984 and 64 to 89% in 1988.
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