Les spécificités de l'éducation thérapeutique en gériatrie Specificities in Patient Education in Geriatrics

The prevalence of chronic diseases increases shar- ply with age, and their treatment is complex in the very elderly because of multiple comorbidities, loss of autonomy, frailty, cognitive impairment, and/or sensory impairments. Patient education is an important part of managing chronic diseases. The patient education programs aim to provide the elderly with information and skills to help them cope with chronic diseases. Applying patient education for geriatric patients, we described several specific aspects. Programs should involve carers, must have specific goals, and use tools that are specially adapted to the very elderly. The model of Alzheimer's disease includes family caregivers and is a success. Most existing programs dealing with Alz- heimer's disease include falls, medication, and management of multiple comorbidities. Also, programs in other chronic diseases should be developed, with relevant adaptation for the geriatric patient and caregiver.
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