Developing rapid detection of ecotoxicity on river-watershed scales: Integrating assessments

Early validation of developing toxicity in river-watershed ecological systems is necessary if long-range environmental management plans are to be effective. In meeting this need, near, real-time watershed monitoring networks are being tested as time-lags found in processing complex ecological information become reduced. Rapid detection of ecotoxic response will improve by coupling established ecological assessment methods to reveal past changes with those giving near, real-time responses found in electronic, super highway-linked networks. Integrated ecosystem monitoring networks are being designed to resolve near, real-time biological response to developing toxicity in a river-watershed by: (1) temporal/spacial characterization of physical and biological attributes on sub-watershed scales through GIS, (2) networking automated biosensing devices at existing water quality and remote monitoring stations, providing a ``finger on the river pulse``, (3) timely updating landscape/watershed attributes from remote sensing imagery for GIS presentation, and (4) coordinating/focusing resources of participating agencies. Through GIS presentations a Compliment to existing monitoring programs can be realized by generating multidimensional, dynamic graphics for quantifying developing ecotoxicity of riverine systems.
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