Innovations in classification, data science, and information systems : proceedings of the 27th annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., Brandenburg University of technology, Cottbus, March, 12-14, 2003

Discrimination and Clustering.- A New Agglomerative 2-3 Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm.- Symbolic Classifier with Convex Hull Based Dissimilarity Function.- Two-Mode Cluster Analysis via Hierarchical Bayes.- On Application of a Certain Classification Procedure to Mean Value Estimation Under Double Sampling for Nonresponse.- Regression Clustering with Redescending M-Estimators.- ClusCorr98 - Adaptive Clustering, Multivariate Visualization, and Validation of Results.- Stratification Before Discriminant Analysis: A Must?.- An Exchange Algorithm for Two-Mode Cluster Analysis.- Model-Based Cluster Analysis Applied to Flow Cytometry Data.- On Stratification Using Auxiliary Variables and Discriminant Method.- Measuring Distances Between Variables by Mutual Information.- Pareto Density Estimation: A Density Estimation for Knowledge Discovery.- Probability Models and Statistical Methods.- Modelling the Claim Count with Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial Regression.- Chemical Balance Weighing Design with Different Variances of Errors.- Combination of Regression Trees and Logistic Regression to Analyse Animal Management and Disease Data.- Robustness of ML Estimators of Location-Scale Mixtures.- On the Modification of the David-Hellwig Test.- Simultaneous Selection of Variables and Smoothing Parameters in Additive Models.- Multiple Change Points and Alternating Segments in Binary Trials with Dependence.- Outlier Identification Rules for Generalized Linear Models.- Dynamic Clustering with Non-Quadratic Adaptive Distances for Interval-Type Data.- Partial Moments and Negative Moments in Ordering Asymmetric Distributions.- Pattern Recognition and Computational Learning.- Classification of Method Fragments Using a Reference Meta Model.- Finding Metabolic Pathways in Decision Forests.- Randomization in Aggregated Classification Trees.- Data Mining - The Polish Experience.- Extracting Continuous Relevant Features.- Individual Rationality Versus Group Rationality in Statistical Modelling Issues.- Mining Promising Qualification Patterns.- Time Series Analysis.- Partial Correlation Graphs and Dynamic Latent Variables for Physiological Time Series.- Bootstrap Resampling Tests for Quantized Time Series.- Imputation Strategies for Missing Data in Environmental Time Series for an Unlucky Situation.- Prediction of Notes from Vocal Time Series: An Overview.- Parsimonious Segmentation of Time Series by Potts Models.- Marketing, Retailing, and Marketing Research.- Application of Discrete Choice Methods in Consumer Preference Analysis.- Competition Analysis in Marketing Using Rank Ordered Data.- Handling Missing Values in Marketing Research Using SOM.- Applicability of Customer Churn Forecasts in a Non-Contractual Setting.- A Gravity-Based Multidimensional Unfolding Model for Preference Data.- Customer Relationship Management in the Telecommunications and Utilities Markets.- Strengths and Weaknesses of Support Vector Machines Within Marketing Data Analysis.- Classification of Career-Lifestyle Patterns of Women.- Joint Space Model for Multidimensional Scaling of Two-Mode Three-Way Asymmetric Proximities.- Structural Model of Product Meaning Using Means-End Approach.- The Concept of Chains as a Tool for MSA Contributing to the International Market Segmentation.- Statistical Analysis of Innovative Activity.- The Prospects of Electronic Commerce: The Case of the Food Industry.- Finance, Capital Markets, and Risk Management.- Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Returns in Germany.- Application of Classification Methods to the Evaluation of Polish Insurance Companies.- Analytic Hierarchy Process - Applications in Banking.- Tail Dependence in Multivariate Data - Review of Some Problems.- The Stock Market Performance of German Family Firms.- Testing of Warrants Market Efficiency on the Warsaw Stock Exchange - Classical Approach.- Group Opinion Structure: The Ideal Structures, their Relevance, and Effective Use.- Volatility Forecasts and Value at Risk Evaluation for the MSCI North America Index.- Selected Methods of Credibility Theory and its Application to Calculating Insurance Premium in Heterogeneous Insurance Portfolios.- Support Vector Machines for Credit Scoring: Extension to Non Standard Cases.- Discovery of Risk-Return Efficient Structures in Middle-Market Credit Portfolios.- Approximation of Distributions of Treasury Bill Yields and Interbank Rates by Means of ?-stable and Hyperbolic Distributions.- Stability of Selected Linear Ranking Methods - An Attempt of Evaluation for the Polish Stock Market.- Production, Logistics, and Controlling.- A Two-Phase Grammar-Based Genetic Algorithm for a Workshop Scheduling Problem.- Classification and Representation of Suppliers Using Principle Component Analysis.- A Knowledge Based Approach for Holistic Decision Support in Manufacturing Systems.- Intelligent Fashion Interfaces - Questions to New Challenges of Classifying.- Full Factorial Design, Taguchi Design or Genetic Algorithms - Teaching Different Approaches to Design of Experiments.- Medicine and Health Services.- Requirement-Driven Assessment of Restructuring Measures in Hospitals.- Analyzing Protein Data with the Generative Topographic Mapping Approach.- How Can Data from German Cancer Registries Be Used for Research Purposes?.- Probabilistic Record Linkage of Anonymous Cancer Registry Records.- An Empirical Study Evaluating the Organization and Costs of Hospital Management.
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