Efecto acaricida de tres hongos entomopatógenos sobre Tetranychus tumidus Banks (Acari: Tetranychidae) en condiciones in vitro

Mites Tetranychidae family are within fitoacaros, one of the most interesting in crops. The introduction of biopesticides, enables sustained and constant control, such that efficiently contribute to the stability and sustainability of agroecosystems manner; prevents resistance and pest reemergence. Based on this background, the acaricidal effect of production strains was evaluated fungi Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Lecanicillium lecanii was evaluated. In each observation, the number of live and dead individuals, number of eggs and hatching time and survival time of the larvae were counted. The percentage of mortality caused by the applications was determined by Abbott’s formula. In addition, an analysis of variance was performed using the Newman-Keuls test to determine the products with greater effectiveness. The entomopathogenic fungi B. bassiana and L. lecanii were effective in the control of T.tumidus under laboratory conditions, with percentage of effectiveness of 64.86 and 62.00 % respectively at 72 hours, similar to the Bacillus thuringiensis production standard strain LBT-13 with 70.27 %; with M. anisopilaean effectiveness of 96 % was obtained after 10 days. The different bioproducts significantly decreased the number of T. tumidus eggs with respect to the control in all the evaluations carried out. The percentage of hatching in the  different treatments was greater than 50 %, where all the treatmentsdiffered statistically from the control and the production standard. The mortality of the larvae was 16 to 20 %.
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