266 Clinical Markers of the Metabolic Syndrome Are Associated With Hcv Genotype 1 Infection and Are Strong Negative Predictors of Early Virological Response

266 CLINICAL MARKERS OF THE METABOLIC SYNDROME ARE ASSOCIATED WITH HCV GENOTYPE 1 INFECTION AND ARE STRONG NEGATIVE PREDICTORS OF EARLY VIROLOGICAL RESPONSE E. Jaeckel, E. Zehnter, C. John, T. Lutz, W. Schmidt, R. Link, P. Geyer, G. Teuber, M. Stern, H.R. Bruch, K.H. Hey, R. Heyne, B. Moeller, G. Bellmann, A. Schober, S. Stoll, M.P. Manns. Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Center of Gastroenterology, Dortmund, Center of Gastroenterology, Berlin, Infektiologikum, Frankfurt, MVZ-Aerzteforum Seestrasse Dres. C. Mayr / PD W. Schmidt, Berlin, Clinic for Internal Medicine, St. Josefs Hospital, Offenburg, Center of Gastroenterology, Huenfeld, IFS, Stresemannallee 3, Frankfurt/M, Center of Internal Medicine, Frankfurt, Center of Gastroenterology, Bonn, Center of Gastroenterology, Paderborn, Center of Gastroenterology and Livercenter, General Practice, Berlin, Center of Gastroenterology, Goettingen, Roche Pharma AG, Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany E-mail: jaeckel.elmar@mh-hannover.de
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