The Duration of T Cell Stimulation Is a Critical Determinant of Cell Fate and Plasticity

Variations in T cell receptor (TCR) signal strength, as indicated by differential activation of downstream signaling pathways, determine the fate of naive T cells after encounter with antigen. Low-strength signals favor differentiation into regulatory T (T reg ) cells containing the transcription factor Foxp3, whereas high-strength signals favor generation of interleukin-2–producing T helper (T H ) cells. We constructed a logic circuit model of TCR signaling pathways, a major feature of which is an incoherent feed-forward loop involving both TCR-dependent activation of Foxp3 and its inhibition by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), leading to the transient appearance of Foxp3 + cells under T H cell–generating conditions. Experiments confirmed this behavior and the prediction that the immunosuppressive cytokine TGF-β (transforming growth factor–β) could generate T reg cells even during continued Akt-mTOR signaling. We predicted that sustained mTOR activity could suppress FOXP3 expression upon TGF-β removal, suggesting a possible mechanism for the experimentally observed instability of Foxp3 + cells. Our model predicted, and experiments confirmed, that transient stimulation of cells with high-dose antigen generated T H , T reg , and nonactivated cells in proportions depending on the duration of TCR stimulation. Experimental analysis of cells after antigen removal identified three populations that correlated with these T cell fates. Further analysis of simulations implicated a negative feedback loop involving Foxp3, the phosphatase PTEN, and Akt-mTOR in determining fate. These results suggest that there is a critical time after TCR stimulation during which heterogeneity in the differentiating population of cells leads to increased plasticity of cell fate.
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