Architectures for integrated multimedia medical information

ABSTRACT The complexity of information representation in the medical domain is presented. The use of standard application orientedinformation architectures for multimedia medical information is discussed. An object oriented approach and the use of a docu-ment metaphor as a means of creating a framework that can accommodate this complexity is introduced. Existing standards fordocument descriptions are examined and their suitability as architectural foundation for such a framework is discussed. Aultrasound laboratory report is discussed in some detail as a case study for this architecture.1. INTRODUCTIONInformation technology is becoming more and more closely integrated with health care applications. Two important drivingforces behind this trend are the increased use of computer based information management techniques as a means to diminishcosts and improve data quality and availability, and the emergence of new computer based technologies that creates new mect-ical modalities.The data types seen in current and emerging computer based medical applications are typically such things as formatted text,tables, graphics, sound and full-motion video. Information management includes such tasks as data capture, storage, contentbased retrieval, analysis, aggregation and data interchange. Systems capable of managing such complex data types are com-monly known as multimedia systems.We are currently investigating techniques for developing multimedia systems based on requirements from the ultrasound labo-ratory of a cardiac department. While giving us the advantages of concentrating on a limited area of use, this domain presentsadvanced requirements to the data types that must be handled and to the aggregation and integration mechanisms that areneeded. The results are expected to be useful within other medical imaging environments as well as in non-medical applicationareas.2. BACKGROUND
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