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Context-Based Lossless Interband

This paper proposes an interband version of CALIC (Context-based, Adaptive, Lossless Image Codec) which represents one of the best performing, practical and general purpose loss- less image coding techniques known today. Interband coding tech- niques are needed for effective compression of multispectral im- ages like color images and remotely sensed images. It is demon- strated that CALIC's techniques of context modeling of DPCM er- rors lend themselves easily to modeling of higher-order interband correlations that cannot be exploited by simple interband linear predictors alone. The proposed interband CALIC exploits both in- terband and intraband statistical redundancies, and obtains signif- icant compression gains over its intraband counterpart. On some types of multispectral images, interband CALIC can lead to a re- duction in bit rate of more than 20% as compared to intraband CALIC. Interband CALIC only incurs a modest increase in com- putational cost as compared to intraband CALIC.
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